Queen’s Message #2- June 2024

Ladies of the Household,

Well, we are back from Supreme. Nydia was well represented by having 29 ladies from our Temple attending, They did a great job. Here are some of the highlights of the week. 

I had the great privilege of nominating our PQ Kathy Walliker to Supreme Princess Royal. What an honor!! Congratulations Supreme Pr. Royal Kathy, I know we are excited for you and looking forward to next Supreme when you will be the Supreme Queen.

Our Patrol participated in the Mass Patrol. Oh my, if you have never seen all the Temples’ Patrol groups march around in circles in perfect formation. Well, all I have to say is, you need to go to Las Vegas for next year’s Supreme and go to the Formal Opening.

In addition, our Patrol performed Tuesday evening. They did their “Lumberjack” routine. I heard a lot of excited comments from the audience as they entered the arena with their axes. They did a great job; I am so proud of them. An encore performance will be the evening of June 27th, during the Official Supreme Queen’s Visit.

We were (or should I say Holly was) in charge of the NW Regional Reception. Our ladies all came together to help decorate the tables and welcome the ladies to the reception. Holly was the MC, and the Nydia ladies sang a song to me. It was fun and great to visit with friends from our region.
In addition, we had ladies singing in the mass choir and lots and lots of help with Kathy’s Dream Girls Booth. 

On Thursday evening was the Installation of Supreme Officers. SQ Jackie came into the arena on an Egyptian Hand Carriage, carried by Nobles from El Kora Shrine and followed by a real live camel. WOW, I had never seen a camel in real life. But of course, the high light for us from Nydia was when our own PQ Kathy was installed as Supreme Princess Royal. 

Thank you, ladies, for not only attending Supreme, but for participating and helping out when and where you could. 
Oh, I bet you are wondering, did we get any Supreme Appointments for 2024. Yes, we did, here is the list:
Jennifer Moyer, PQ        Supreme Temple Public Relations Committee
Judy C Smith, PQ           Supreme Temple Convention Committee
Nancy Coddington, PQ     Supreme Temple Convention Committee
Pr. Sherry Hevland         Supreme Temple Hospital Request Committee
Carol Livie, PQ                 Supreme Goodwill Ambassador
Gerry Brown, PQ              American Flag Escort for the Supreme Temple
Sharon Kelley, PQ            Canadian Flag Escort for the Supreme Temple
Gail Martin, PQ                Brazilian Flag Escort for the Supreme Temple
Paulette Schlee, PQ        Bolivian Flag Escort for the Supreme Temple 
And we had two ladies who received the Special Princess Recognition – Supreme Giving Hearts. These ladies were nominated by me as women who I feel go above and beyond helping make our Temple strong and friendly. They are always there to help any way they can. Please when you see them congratulate them for this special honor:
Pr. Betty Donnelly
Pr. Patti Baldwin

Well, I hope this excites you to attend next years Supreme Session, which will be in Las Vegas on June 15th through 18th, 2025 when our PQ Kathy will become our Supreme Queen.

PS Remember our Supreme Queen Visit is on JUNE 27th, just a little over a week away. Ceremonial will be at 1pm and Dinner at 6pm. Dinner is Shrimp and Crab Louis, garlic bread and dessert. (Chicken upon request). Please come and support Nydia Temple, the Hospital and our new Princesses.  RSVP to Patti Baldwin 503-910-0027.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.
Nile Love and Hugs, Queen Linda Hatch
Hearts of Gold

Queen’s Appreciation Tea and Membership Social


Well, it is the second week in May and I am another year older. Wow, it seems like just yesterday I was in my twenties, now I am in my …

Just a couple of reminders of upcoming events:

  • Queen’s Appreciation Tea and Membership Social
  • Sunday May 19th at 2pm
  • Al Kader Shrine Center
  • RSVP by May 9th to Patti Baldwin (503) 910-0027
  • We will be playing Bunco after the tea. Prizes will be given for the most buncos, most wins, least buncos and more…
  • Please come and have a fun time with all of us.
  • Kickoff luncheon for Supreme
  • Wednesday, June 5th at 11am
  • Al Kader Shrine Center
  • $15 Various Salads and Strawberry Shortcake
  • This is for EVERYONE, invite your partners, friends and family
  • There will be a sneak peak of the invitation for 2025 Las Vegas Supreme

Also, remember the SUPREME QUEEN VIST AND CEREMONIAL on Thursday, June 27th. The ceremonial will begin at 1pm. It is looking like we could have 10 new members joining Nydia that day. I am so excited. Dinner will be at 6pm and it will be Crab and Shrimp Louis, Garlic Bread and Dessert for $35. Everyone is invited to dinner, please RSVP to Patti Baldwin (503) 910-0027 or Linda Dick (503) 703-9552.

So please come and support the Supreme Queen, our candidates and our Temple.

I want to thank everyone for the love and support you have been giving me.

Bless you all,

Queen Linda
