February 2025

Well as I sit here on this sunny day, or should I say cold sunny day, I am thinking about all the fun and exciting happenings in January and what is to come in February. 

January 1st, the New Year began on Wednesday. In talking with the Officers, we all agreed they wanted to stay home and watch football or maybe just relax. So, we combined our Stated Session with our January Ceremonial, on January 11th. This was a full day of fun where we welcomed SEVEN new members and reinstated one more. How very exciting, so please welcome the following ladies to our household:
         Pr. Amanda Deyerle-Olney
         Pr. Marilyn Montecucco
         Pr. Kat Moran
         Pr. Melissa Petersen
         Pr. Amelie Rees
         Pr. Anne Swanson
         Pr. Sarah Taylor
         Pr. Cosette Rees

After the meeting, all of our Units performed. This was the debut performance of our new Clown Unit, the Nosey Nydians. They made us all smile and laugh, what a great job. Actually, all the Units did such a great job. I am so proud of our Temple and the Units. Did you know, a Temple with active Units make a strong Temple. Our Temple is very strong.

February 5th is the date of our next Session. Lunch is at 11am and Session is at 12:30. Our PADIR Unit will be doing lunch. They are planning a Potato Bar with all the fixings, along with brownies for dessert. As a girl from Idaho, you can’t go wrong with potatoes and chocolate. 

After lunch and before session, we will be signing Valentine Cards showing our appreciation for the Staff of the Shriners Children’s Portland. Did you know that there are 314 personnel working to help the Children?

During the February session, our Pr. Chaplain will be performing a memorial for the Ladies of our Household which we lost this year. Please came and join us in remembering these ladies.   

Also in February, the Patrol Unit will be auctioning slightly used purses with lots of goodies inside. I know I am working on my purse for the silent auction. I promise someone will enjoy a nice evening, either by themselves or with someone. Come and see the cool purses and make a bid. 

Other February activities are as follows:
February 7 – Zoom Along with Nydia (7pm)
February 9 – Mentor Training
February 10 – Mentor Training (in case you missed the 9th)
February 10 – Sewing Party at the Center (Snap bags are almost done!)

In case you didn’t know, in January the Shriners installed a new Potentate, Forrest Hatch. So, Nydia Temple and Al Kader Shriners are going to have a joint social on February 15th beginning at 5pm. Dinner will be at 6pm, which will be Pork Loin, (Chicken option), scallop potatoes, veggie, dessert for $35. At 7pm, we will have a comedian to make us laugh and enjoy the evening. Please come join us. RSVP to the Shrine Office at 503-682-4420 by February 7th.

Well, I better get out of my sweats and put something else on, today is the day for my annual mammogram. Hope to see everyone this month. 

Nile Love and Hugs
Queen Linda Hatch